Sunday, March 16, 2008

9 weeks of 2

I've officially entered the gauntlet of man vs. man vs. machine....oh yea mother nature too! We are at day two of a 9 week outage (24hours 7 days a week) of both turbines. The units have roughly 24,000 fired hours on the machine and requires an overhaul. Just as you would replace the timing belts on your car at 100,000miles, these power generating beasts require a hardware change out. I had the luxury of preparing for this long awaited outage now we will see how well the leg work paid off.
Photos are of the combustion turbine work where the turbine roof has been removed and 80% of the fuel piping.
In parallel with this work, we are preparing the generator for a "Magic" inspection which entails running a small robot into the field air gap for the inspection. The roof was lifted from the generator collector cab this morning and the mechanics are in the process of removing the end shields.
See the staging outside on 15th st. and the FDR... nice set up right?
Big shouts to the crew for being slightly ahead of schedule. keep the coffee and bagels coming in the morning..... stay tuned.
sorry about the poor quality photos with my phone.

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